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Several years ago, I first came across the StrenghtsFinder test during a leadership training at my then employer Vattenfall. It is a scientific assessment that gives you insight into your unique talents. Talents are recurring patterns in our thinking, feeling and acting that we can apply productively. Activities that match your talents come easily, give you energy and lead to results or success. The test measures the presence of 34 different talent themes and produces 5 dominant talent themes. The more dominant a theme is in a person, the greater the impact of the theme on that person's behavior and performance.

What are my top five strengths?

Of the 34 talent themes, here are my top five strengths:

  1. The talent of ideation makes me always look for how things can be done differently.
  2. My organizational ability ensures that I am able to find the right combination of people and resources to get things done.
  3. Because of my action orientation, I make a decision, take action, look at the results and then learn from them.
  4. Positivism brings me that I naturally see possibilities in everything rather than problems.
  5. My beliefs help me make sure that all my actions are consistent with my values.

What has the StrenghtsFinder test brought me personally?

For me, seeing my StrenghtsFinder results led to a greater awareness of what kinds of tasks I enjoy most, why I enjoy them, and provided a way for me to articulate that I want to do more of those kinds of tasks. In addition, I noticed that the things I enjoy doing most all relate to my number one talent theme, ideation. As a result of this new level of awareness, I've started looking for the right circumstances for myself that get me ideas. I make time to read so that I am inspired by insights and experiences of others which in turn serves as raw material for new ideas. In addition, I take time for myself to reflect which in turn energizes me.

In switching from Vattenfall to Ecopulz, the results of my StrenghtsFinder test also definitely played a role. Within a small entrepreneurial company, you can simply make more decisions yourself and then act on them. This completely matches my strong point of being action-oriented. I can also put the creative ideas I have directly into action. Something that is much more difficult within a corporate environment.

How do we deploy our StrenghtsFinder talents within Ecopulz?

We at Ecopulz help our sustainable partners develop people, technology and organization. To develop our own company sustainably, we are convinced that we need to create a culture in which all 'enablers of sustainability' work on the basis of their talents on activities that contribute to the growth of Ecopulz. Only then will we get the best out of people and our organization. In concrete terms, this means that everyone gets the time and space to work on Ecopulz in addition to his or her client-oriented job. We base the distribution of the various activities on the results of the StrenghtsFinder test. In this way we embrace the authenticity of and differences between people and give everyone room to develop themselves with a focus on everyone's unique qualities. This way we learn from each other, help each other and strengthen each other.

For myself, this means that my talent of ideation makes me ideally suited as a developer of sales strategies, marketing campaigns and customer-focused solutions. Whenever such matters need to be considered within Ecopulz, my creative ability is utilized as much as possible. I also deal with attracting new colleagues to the Ecopulz team. My talent for organization ensures that I instinctively recognize talent, skills and knowledge in people which ensures that the right people end up in the right places.

Would you like to use your unique talents to do beautiful projects/assignments within the energy sector and work on a company at the same time? Then feel free to contact me to explore the possibilities together.

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