Enablers of processes

Professionalize engineering team

HVC is a sustainable energy and waste company owned by 51 municipalities and 8 water boards. The company plays a crucial role in supporting these shareholders in the transition to a natural gas-free future and making waste management more sustainable. HVC has already made significant strides and is realizing increasing numbers of heat connections each year. This growth has led to a substantial expansion of the engineering team. With this rapid expansion, however, new challenges also emerged. To further professionalize the team, HVC engaged Niels.

The Challenge

HVC's engineering team faced a lack of standardization and insufficient knowledge assurance. This made induction of new colleagues time-consuming, a problem made more acute by the increasing workload. As the team grew, the need for further professionalization became more urgent. It was essential to structure and optimize processes to ensure efficiency and continuity.

The Solution

Niels began his work at HVC by capturing the engineering work process. By providing insight into the various steps at the highest level, he was able to thoroughly evaluate the process and restructure it where necessary. Niels then elaborated the activities under these steps into detailed work instructions. This enabled the team to carry out their work in a structured and more efficient manner, to ensure quality and to integrate new employees more quickly. This not only ensured continuity, but also further strengthened the professionalism of the growing engineering team.


"Because of the high workload and dedication among team members, work was constantly going on. In conversations with the team, I pressed the pause button for a moment to step back and see what was actually being done."