Enablers of transmissions.

from transfer to realization

Equans Energy Solutions (EES) manages 28 CHP plants in the Netherlands, with a strong focus on the design, realization and operation of these systems. The goal of this project was to establish a streamlined handover process to ensure the seamless transition of completed renewable energy projects to the management phase.

The Challenge

The transition from the realization phase to the management phase presents several challenges. EES faced the task of ensuring an orderly and structured handover, where every aspect of the completed projects had to be closely monitored. Effective communication between the teams and the careful transfer of knowledge and documentation were crucial to ensure the sustainability and success of the CHP system.

The Solution

Laurens worked closely with the EES team to develop a comprehensive handover process that facilitated the transition from the realization phase. He designed a clear and detailed checklist that served as a tool to ensure that everyone involved was on the same page during the handover and that nothing was overlooked. This process enabled a smooth transition, and EES now has full control over well-organized and sustainable CHP projects that continue to meet the highest standards.