Enablers of maintenance

BAM Energy Systems is a construction and civil engineering company that focuses on developing innovative and sustainable solutions for the built environment. With projects such as the management of thermal storage systems (WKO), BAM is contributing to energy transition and CO2 reduction.

The Challenge

BAM Energy Systems manages several sites with thermal storage systems (WKO) in the Netherlands. These systems are crucial for the sustainable heating and cooling of buildings, because they use the natural heat and cold storage in the ground to maximize energy efficiency and minimize CO2 emissions. Hans was hired by BAM Energy Systems to their CHP plant in Groningen to investigate and assess how the maintenance process could be improved, with the goal of a reliable and cost-efficient multi-year maintenance plan (MJOP) to be prepared. 

The Solution

Hans started with a thorough inventory of the installation, mapping out the components and their maintenance history. By performing a functional decomposition and failure analysis, he created a clear overview of what needs to be replaced or maintained when. This led to a new MYOP, which clearly indicated what maintenance work and replacements were needed, including a cost estimate for the coming years. 

This plan allows BAM to increase the reliability of heat and cold supply while controlling costs. The project in Groningen served as a pilot and provided valuable insights that BAM can apply to their other WKO sites. 


"It's nice to use the knowledge you have to improve a complex installation. By properly planning maintenance, BAM can now make their systems more reliable and cost-effective."